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Live and Let Die吉他谱

  • 歌手:枪炮与玫瑰
  • 词曲:未知
  • 记谱:未知
  • 人气:633
  • 曲谱来源:转载
  • 曲谱格式:txt
  • 曲谱分类:吉他谱
  • 乐曲风格:未知
  • 发布日期:2020-06-21 08:43:08

歌曲名:Live and Let Die

Tom: G
G               Bm7
When you were young
C           D       D9(b)
And your heart was an open book
G              Bm7              C
You used to say live and let live
D           D9(b)                   G
You know you did, you know you did, you know you did
Bm7               C                  A
But if this ever changin’ world in which we live in
D              Dm
Makes you give in and cry
G  C C#dim G
Say live and let die
G  C C#dim G (G)
Live and let die
What does it matter to ya
G                                     D
When ya got a job to do ya got to do it well
E                   F  G (G) G Bm7 C D9(b) G
You got to give the other fella hell
Bm7                C
You used to say live and let live
D           D9(b)                      G
You know you did, you know you did, you know you did
Bm7              C                  A
But if this ever changin’ world in which we live in
D               Dm
Makes you give in and cry
G  C C#dim G
Say live and let die
G  C C#dim G (G)
Live and let die.

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