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Alison Krauss

When you say nothing at all吉他谱

  • 歌手:Alison Krauss
  • 词曲:未知
  • 记谱:未知
  • 人气:144
  • 曲谱来源:转载
  • 曲谱格式:txt
  • 曲谱分类:吉他谱
  • 乐曲风格:未知
  • 发布日期:2020-06-28 17:24:03

歌曲名:When you say nothing at all                       
歌手/乐队:Alison Krauss 



     It’s amasing how you can speak right to my heart.

     Without saying a word,you can light up the dark.

   Try as I may, I could never explain.

     What I hear when you don’t say a thing.

 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me.

There’s a truth in you eyes saying you never leave me.

The touch of your hand says you catch me, where ever I fall.

   You say it best:       When you say nothing at all.



     All day long I can hear people talking out loud.

     But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd. 

   Old Mr. Webster could never define.

     What’s being said between your heart and mine.

 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me.

There’s a truth in you eyes saying you never leave me.

The touch of your hand says you catch me, where ever I fall.

   You say it best:       When you say nothing at all.(延音时接弹下面过渡)




 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me.

There’s a trueth in you eyes saying you never leave me.

                   The touch of your hand says you catch me, where ever I fall.


   You say it best:       When you say nothing at all.(延音时接弹下面结尾)



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