------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 歌曲名:Shining Freind 歌手/乐队:关心妍 编配者(转载来源):网络 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C G little faith, brightens are rainy day Am Em life is difficult u can go away F C don\’t hide yourselvies in a corner F G you have my place to stay C G sorrow is gonna say goodbye Am Em opens up u see the happy sunshine F C keep going on with yr dream F chasing tomorrow sunrise G the spirit can never die C G sun will shine my friend Am Em won\’t let you cry my dear F seeing you , share the tear C make my woe disappear F G you never be alone in darkness C G see my smile my friend Am Em we are with you holding hands F you have god to believe C you are my destiny F we meant to be yr friends G C that\’s what a friendship be By ---光军--- [contact_linksquare@yahoo.com.hk]
关心妍出生于中国香港,童年时在香港长大;1990年移居加拿大温哥华,并在当地完成高中课程,及后攻读英属哥伦比亚大学主修科学系。1999年于全球华人新秀歌唱大赛 (加拿大区总决赛) 夺得冠军,及同年于上海进行的全球华人新秀歌唱大赛 (总决赛) 以王菲的一曲《脸》获得「最具潜质奖」。在2002年加入 BMA 唱片公司正式出道。除歌唱外,她同时有钢琴、吉他及色士风的才华。